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    Marry had a little lamb
    Its fleece was white as snow,
    And everywhere that merry went
    That lamb was sure to go.
    It followed her to school one day
    That was against the rule;
    It made the children laugh and play,
    To see a lamb at school.

    Daug kitokiu rasi


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    How did It happen?

    Once I grew very very tall,

    My lovely sister seemed a doll,

    I jumped up high to touch the sky,

    What I say is not a lie.

    Later I grew little more,

    I could not see her anymore,

    Creamy clouds sprinkled ice,

    Crawling stars rolled on my eyes.

    Then I grew a giant of all.

    I prayed to God to make me small.

    Soon I woke up with a scream

    To know that all was just a dream.

    By AN UNKNOWN author


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    The Baby's Dance

    ~Ann Taylor

    Dance, little baby, dance up high,
    Never mind baby, mother is by;
    Crow and caper, caper and crow,
    There little baby, there you go:
    Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
    Backwards and forwards, round and round.
    Then dance, little baby, and mother shall sing,
    With the merry gay coral, ding, ding, a-ding, ding.
