• 10ats.

    1 + 1 +1 = 1 ? (klausimas apie Krikscionybe)

    Krikscionybeje Dievas yra trijuose asmenyse: Dievas Tevas, Dievas Sunus ir Dievas Sventoji Dvasia.

    Kad ir kiek mastau, niekaip nesuprantu, kaip tai gali buti.

    Kaip Jus tai suprantate?



  1. 6



  2. 5

    As suprantu, kad Dievas, trys asmenys viename. Tai tevas, sunus ir sventoji dvasia.
    Kiekvienas vyras gyvenime yra tevas, motinai sunus, galiausiai liks tik sventaja dvasia.
    Dievas taip pat buvo/ yra vyras, sunus ir sventoji dvasia..


  3. 4

    Atsiprasau uz praleistas raides,ar ne tas nuspaustas,tiesiog tingiu skirt laiko redagavimui.
    Bet ir nesu tos gramatkos tokia jau superine zinove.
    Nors nesu lietuvaite, ir vietine,bet manau kad ja moku neprasciau nei nemaza dalis ir paciu lietuvaiciu.Tad gal neisizeisit..


  4. 4

    Tikejimas,yra ne kas kita, o kaip labai laki zmogaus fantazija.
    Todel daznam tikejimas pavirsta i asmenine susikurta pasamonine "tikrove"
    Kokia ta religija bebutu, kokie jos teiginiai ar isskaiciavimai kakieno sukurti pateikiami, kaip uz tiesa.. ten,ale is "auksciau" ,tai ne kas kita, o kaip zmogaus manoma filosofija, kuri kiekvienam savip suprantama.
    Kiek vaiksto itikejusiu i filosofijos galia moniu per zeme,tiek ir skirtingu tikejimu.
    Taip, biblija parase vienas apsukresnis zmogus zemeje... bet tai ka jis ten pasake, kiekvienas perskaites ta pati,jau interpretuos kitaip, ppagal save. O ne taip,kaip parasyta..
    PVZ: pameginkit paimti kad ir ta pati atviruka dviese.
    paveikslelis bus tas pats, o kiekvienas matys visiskai skirtingas jame detales,pagal save.
    Todel tikejimas is esmes is vis joks ,kazkoks bendras isvis neegzistuoja, ji susigalvojame pagal save kiekvienas patys.
    Todel vienam patematinis uzdavinys su X --- Y issprendzimas,o kitam ir nedaeina kaip ta lygti apskaiciuoti.. O nedaeina todel,kad tai nerupi ir neidomu...
    tas pats ir su ta trejybe.. kazkas pasizaide, o jus interpretuokit kaip norit, vis vien tai nieko bendro neturi su dabartiniu gyvenimu.
    Na o kai zmogus neturi kas veikt, jo galvoje per daug laisvos vietos niekalams,tai jais ja ir uzpildo.
    Cia tik mano nuomone.


  5. 4

    Tai manau nereikia suprasti matematiškai


  6. 4
  7. 4

    "Trejybės esmė neprieinama žmogiškam supratimui".
    Kaip aisku pasidare :))
    Tai bet kas bet kokia nesamone gali pasakyti, o jei kas paprasys paaiskinti, sakyti kad to paaiskinti neimanoma...


  8. 2

    as tai cia jokios matematikos nematau, cia viskas logiska.


  9. 2

    na tai logiska ir nera ka daug galvoti. cia tas pats kas mano amzinatelsi tevelis: buvo sunus savo tevams, buvo tevas man ir broliui, o dabar jau Sventoji dvasia,


  10. 1

    10. God cannot be born, God had no beginning. But "Jesus was God".
    9. Jesus never said "I'm God" in any religion, Jesus never said "Worship me", No explicit statement ever.
    8. No one has ever seen God. But "People saw Jesus"
    7. During Jesus time, many people didn't believe Jesus was "God". If he was God, then everybody at that time would have worshiped him, but there were Jewish people practicing their religion and go to synagogue and so on. Jesus never taught Trinity. Word Trinity no where in the Bible.
    6. God don’t Sleep, Eat, Drink,…etc. But “Jesus Slept, Ate, Drank”. Therefore, Jesus is a Messenger not God. Additionally, it says in the Bible that Jesus was praying, so if Jesus is God then why he needs to pray?
    5. God knows Everything. But Jesus didn’t know everything. In the Bible, Jesus claimed that God’s knowledge is greater than him. Jesus asked about the hour of the day of judgement. If he would have been God, he would have known that.
    4. Jesus explicitly stated he is not God. The Bible says: John 17:3 “And eternal life is this: to know you, the one true God, and him whom you sent, Yeshua the Messiah”
    3. The title “Son of God” doesn’t make any sense, In fact, Jesus never had a father and Mary was virgin. So what do we mean when we say God had a son? Let’s make it clear. For instance, we see that “dogs have puppies” and “cats have kittens”. So what do “God have? baby Gods??” So it doesn’t make any sense. It is like saying: Hey I had a son who is a Goldfish or I have a son who is me (I had myself, or I made myself). So it doesn’t make any sense. In fact, God doesn’t die, God doesn’t have children and God doesn’t have human needs.
    2. God doesn’t change. For example, God doesn’t get old, or get tired, or steal. Because only God is perfect.
    1. God is the object of worship. No matter what religion you follow and who ever they call God, is their object of worship. Like give devotion to God, make prayer to God and pay charity in the name of “God”. So had Jesus been God? He would have been told people to worship him. But in fact in Matthew 15:9 he did the exact opposite. “But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” also another translation “Their worship of me is empty since they teach instructions that are human rules”. So Jesus said don’t worship me in the Bible.

    (tingiu versti i lietuviu k.)
